I’ve spent a lot of time analysing people’s content and video performance. Here is a list of 10 Video Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid when making a mobile phone video for LinkedIn and how to fix them.
(Watch the video to see the examples)
1. Stop Shaking
I’m sure you have seen videos when people are walking around, doing something and trying to film a video at the same time. Try to keep your hand still. It’s less distracting for the viewer and more pleasant to watch. Practice. It’s not that difficult to move around and keep your hand still at the same time. And if you are struggling to do it, invest into the tripod or gimbal
2. Don’t stand under office ceiling lights
When you are standing directly under a light you will get unwanted highlights on your forehead and nose as well as dark shadows under your eyes. Try to stand between lights so that the light falls more evenly on your face. If available, it’s best to use natural light, so switch off any artificial lights and turn towards a window. Your face is the most important part of your video. Facing a window will help you get a more flattering light and avoid those unpleasant shadows under your eyes.
3. Don’t forget to smile
Your smile increases your face value. When we are smiling we are perceived as more attractive, more approachable and more trustworthy. Even if you are presenting serious content don’t forget to smile at the beginning of your video to welcome your viewers. When you are scrolling through your news feed, do you click on a video with a grumpy face? I would also recommend you smile in the middle and at the end. In reality, you need to OVER SMILE in front of the camera. It’s 100 % better to over smile than not to smile at all
4. Look directly into the lens
When you are looking directly into the camera lens, you engage with your audience. A common mistake is to look at yourself on the screen when filming in selfie mode. During landscape videos when the camera is on the side of your phone it looks like you are looking to the side and not at your audience. Yes, it is convenient to adjust what you are doing by looking at yourself when you are recording, but, you risk losing the engagement of your audience. On vertical videos, the camera is just above your face, so, sometimes you can get away with looking at yourself as it is not as noticeable. But definitely don’t do it on horizontal videos.
5. Don’t position your phone too low
A low camera angle will make you look bigger, more dominant and less flattering. It often happens when you put your phone in front of you on your desk. Keep your phone at eye level. This is how your audience sees you in the real life. Keeping your phone at eye level will help you to appear friendly, honest and more straightforward. It will give your viewers the feeling that they are just sitting next to you. And, as result, it’s easier for you to engage with your audience.
6. Watch the horizon
A video with diagonal horizon might look a bit artistic but for most of people it will look like you are falling. Or everything in the background is falling. To avoid it, make sure you are holding your phone straight, or, if you are using tripod, make sure that your phone is straight on the tripod. You may also want to use grid lines on your phone camera to check that the horizon is actually horizontal. And, if don’t have the horizon in your office, make sure the floor or table is horizontal and walls are vertical.
7. Don’t forget a “Call to Action”
A “call to action” is critical and people often forget it, especially when starting out.
Don’t confuse your audience, tell them exactly what you want them to do. Your call to action depends on what stage of the customer journey your audience is at and the list of calls is endless. They don’t have to be pushy or salesy. The important part is your audience is motivated to implement your call to action.
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8. Have a background that supports your story
Your story also depends on your audience. So, the purpose of the background is to relate to your audience and capture their attention, especially when they are scrolling through their news feed. The right background helps you to send a clear message to your audience. Have you ever stopped and watched a video because the background caught your attention?
9. Use your hands
Let your hands be seen in the video. If we can’t see someone’s hands we get the feeling they have something to hide. If you put your hands behind you, you will be perceived as less welcoming and trustworthy. The truth is, hand movements are strongly connected with speaking and thinking. They make your video more conversational. When we are truly connected to our message, feel confident and comfortable, we don’t need to think what our hands are doing. They move naturally. And hand movements will help you to get your message across clearly and engage with your audience. Let your hands move in the video!
10. Don’t lean back in the chair
When you are leaning back your hands look bigger than your face on video. And this posture doesn’t look flattering. What you need to do is to lean forward. But make sure you are not hunching! Keep your shoulders straight and lean forward from the waist. In this case your hands will be on the same level as your face, and the whole figure looks more flattering. Remember, camera distorts things! What we see with two eyes often will look different on camera. Have you noticed it before?
Try to make these changes when you are filming your next video on your mobile phone and share with me your results
And if you want to work one-on-one with me on your Personalised Video Marketing campaign, book your Free Strategy Call